Spring - Inside and Out

Spring is in full swing here in the Pacific Northwest.

The flowers, they are a blooming.  The rain, it is a falling.
And it is all oh, so beautiful.

I can't help but notice how closely matched my emotions and energy are to the weather around me. During the winter I felt very dormant.  I wanted to be home a lot, didn't have a lot of energy once the sun set, and while I inherently knew that, like the weather, these experiences are cyclical and would pass, it still depressed me.

The past few weeks I've been feeling an inner waking up.  Like some sort of energy and excitement is trying to show itself again.  It comes and goes, but it's made me excited for the immediate future.  I'm looking forward to this summer.  There are some BIG changes coming (sorry, I can't mention specifics just yet) and I'm looking forward to what those changes will bring.

For the past 4 months (ever since my brother's accident) my dad has been texting me and my siblings daily inspirational quotes.  It's been a pretty big blessing to get this dose of positivity from my dad each day, especially because his positivity is a new change for him, and it's a huge blessing to witness it. This morning my dad sent this quote:

"You are the master of your life - you are the master of your mind - you have the power to change the way you think and feel. You have the power in how you choose to achieve your goals, to become the person you want to be, and to live the life of your dreams." -Zlatoslava Petrak

I don't feel like that quote could have come at a more perfect time.


  1. That quote is incredible. Perfect for what I need to hear right now too. Is this a Words to Live by Wednesday? If so I need it!

    I was just talking with a friend last night about how weather affects mood and the positivity that good weather brings!

    1. It's a little too long to make a WTLBW, but maybe Lindsay can work something special out :) It really is incredible, isn't it?!

      I'm so excited for summer weather to be upon us soon. Soon bike rides, hikes, beach days and long runs will be a weekly and sometimes, daily, occurance.
