My favorite person in the world

My niece is 5 and pretty much the shit.  She's smart, funny, gorgeous, and the person I'd most like to hang out with whenever given the opportunity.  This past week I was able to go to Boise for a work trip and spend Easter with my family.  It was a much needed visit home, and although I enjoyed my time there, my heart broke on the last night when my niece very sincerely asked me if I was ready to move back to Boise again.  When I told her, "not yet," she burst into tears and asked me why I left her.


I really hope that someday she'll understand that she's the one I moved for.  I want to tell her when she's out of school and old enough to chase her dreams to do it.  Not because I didn't, but because I did and it was the best decision I ever made.


  1. Lucky you to have such an adorable niece. She's an angel!

  2. Family time is the best—until you have to leave. :(
